
Field (Experiment #11)
Digital Pinhole
Charles City, Virginia
Field Experiment #14
Digital Pinhole
Charles City, Virginia
Self portrait or
(Standing in the middle of nowhere
waiting for something to happen)
Digital pinhole
Charles CIty, VA
River (Towards the North)
Charles City VA
Field Study (#22)
Digital Pinhole
Charles City, Virginia
Modified Pinhole
Modified Digital Pinhole (Panasonic 4/3)
Charles City, VA
Modified Pinhole
Shirley, Charles City, VA
Cherry Tree
Modified Holga lens on digital camera body
Narrow Road to the Interior
Modified Digital Pinhole (Panasonic 4/3)
Charles City, VA
Narrow Road to the Interior (Late Summer)
Modified Digital Pinhole (Holga on Panasonic 4/3)
Charles City, VA
Modified Holga lens on digital camera
Narrow Road to the Interior II
Modified Digital Pinhole (Panasonic 4/3)
Charles City VA
Clouds (Above the Farm)
Modified Holga Lens on Digital Body
Sun (Series of 15 Pinholes of Sun)
Digital Pinhole
Charles City, Virginia
Narrow Road to the Interior (Cedar)
Modified Pinhole
Charles City, VA
Blue (Path)
Charles City, Virginia
Field Narcissus
Modified Holga lens on digital camera body
Charles City, Virginia