
Invisible Cities
Mounted Hand Drawings on Steel Pins
30 x 30 x 4 inches
Invisible Cities (detail)
Mounted Hand Drawings on Steel Pins
30 x 30 x 4 inches
Love and Architecture (Form Follows Function)
Ink Wash, Pigment, Graphite on Vellum Board.
26 x 40 inches
Collection of Virginia Museum of FIne Arts
Love and Architecture (Form Follows Function)
Ink Wash, Pigment, Graphite on Vellum Board.
26 x 40 inches
23.7k Hand Gilded Gold Leaf , Graphite, Stone paper
32.5 x 43 inches
All the Clouds Turn to Words,
All the Words Float in Sequence
Pen and Ink, Graphite, Mounted on Archival Board
32.5 x 42.5 inches
All the Clouds Turn to Words,
All the Words Float in Sequence (detail)
Pen and Ink, Graphite, Mounted on Archival Board
32.5 x 42.5 inches
On Waking Up
Pen and ink on hand-cut painted wood, acrylic rod.
22" x 22" (artist made frame)
On Waking Up (detail)
For Once, Then, Something
Cut, incised wood. Pen and Ink, Acrylic Rod
24 x 24 x 3 inches
Artist made Frame
(Title from Robert Frost poem)
Since Feeling is First
Mounted pen and ink drawings on Archival Paper
20 x 20 x 4 inches
artist made frame
Since Feeling is First (detail)
Mounted pen and ink hand drawings
20 x 20 x 4 inches
Artist made frame
Distance of the Moon
Mounted pen and ink drawings
20 x 20 x 4 inches
artist made frame
Imaginary Qualities of Actual Things
Cut wood, flashe paint
28 x 28 x 3.5 inches
Artist made frame
Wood, flashe paint
28 x 28 x 3.5 inches
Artist made frame
Imaginary Qualities of Actual Things
Cut wood, flashe paint
28 x 28 x 3.5 inches
Artist made frame
Mounted ink, drawings, polymer, collage on archival paper
25 x 25 x 3 inches
Artist made frame
(resting view)
Mounted ink drawings, polymer on archival paper
25 x 25 x 3 inches
Artist made frame
Everything That Rises Must Converge
Mounted archival paper, flashe paint, metallic pigment
20 x 20 x 3 inches
Artist made frame
Hand cut wood, Flashe. Artist made frame,
Collection of Try-Me
New Communities
Mounted paper
19 x 19 x 3
Artist made frame
Sheep Meadow
Cut and mounted paper in plexiglass vitrine
Isola (studio view)
30 x 30 x 3.5 inches
Paper, Steel Pins, Flashe
Collection of Royall & Company
Like Breathing, Like Bubbles
(detail, studio view)
Mounted Pen and Ink on Polymer
18 x 18 x 3
As Above, So Below
Detail, Studio View
Hand cut wood, flashe paint
10 x 20 x 3 inches
Artist made frame